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Previous Resources

1. LA Fire Department Brush Clearance Requirements

1st Inspection The first inspection is done by the LAFD Brush Task Force beginning the first week in May and continuing for approximately four weeks until all parcels in the brush zone have been inspected. Those parcels that are found to be in violation will be issued a notice of violation. The homeowner or person responsible will have 15 days to comply with the notice of violation. 2nd Inspection Those who were issued a notice of violation on the first inspection will be inspected a second time after the 15 day period to comply passes. If the property is in compliance, the owner will receive notification from the LAFD Brush Unit. If the property is not fully in compliance, the owner will be notified via the mail. Otherwise the property will be cleared by the fire department. Please do not call the LAFD Brush Unit when you’re ready for this inspection. The inspection will be automatically scheduled and you will be mailed the findings of the inspection. The property owner will be charged for the cost of clearance, PLUS the $356* Inspection Fee, PLUS a $990* Administrative Fee

3. Save Angeles Forest for Everyone – S.A.F.E. – CA High Speed Rail

S.A.F.E. was organized by concerned residents and community leaders from Shadow Hills, Lake View Terrace, Kagel Canyon, La Tuna Canyon, Sunland/Tujunga and Sun Valley. Our mission is to stop the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) from studying and building a high speed rail line through our communities and the adjacent Angeles National Forest and Big Tujunga Wash via tunnels, bridges or at-grade tracks as part of the “East Corridor of the Palmdale to Burbank project section.” The proposal would have devastating and irreversible impacts to the character of our rural and equestrian communities, local water supplies and wildlife, road infrastructure and air quality, and would violate the sensitive ecosystems protected by the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Angeles National Forest.

4. CA High Speed Rail Palmdale to Burbank

Palmdale to Burbank Project Section CAHSR website

5. Early Notification System (ENS)

Sign up to receive agendas for City Council and all City commissions, boards, and neighborhood councils. Follow the links to see what subscriptions are available in each category, then fill in your name and email address, click the box by the subscription that interests you and hit “Subscribe.” STNC now sends their agendas through the City’s ENS.

6. The City of Los Angeles Website

7. EmpowerLA Website

EmpowerLA / Department of Neighborhood Empowerment website. Visit the website to find support information, calendar of citywide events and other details for the City’s 99 Neighborhood Councils. DONE Mission Statement: To promote public participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs by creating, nurturing, and supporting a citywide system of grass-roots, independent, and participatory neighborhood councils.

8. EmpowerLA / Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
9. City Council
10. Council File Referral

If you only sign up for one ENS subscription, let this be it. The referral is a short document published a few times each week showing every new motion introduced before the City Council, as well as updates to previous motions. This is the earliest notification of pending action. Click on “New Council Items (Referrals)” and follow the subscription directions above.

11. Council File Index

This easy-to-use interface allows you to research council files, read supporting reports and other documentation and find out what actions have been taken on an item. Search by keyword or by Council File Number. The Council File Referral (above) includes links to documents in the Index.

12. Ordinance Search

Search Ordinances adopted by Council since 1979, by keyword or by Ordinance Number.

13. City Charter, Rules and Municipal Codes

All the laws, rules and codes governing the people of Los Angeles. Not the easiest to use.

15. Los Angeles County Tax Assessor

Information about property values and the assessment process and more.

16. Los Angeles County Property Tax Information

Information about the property tax process in Los Angeles County including online payment options.

17. Los Angeles Fire Department Red Flag Warnings

SUBJECT: RED FLAG PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN EFFECT The City of Los Angeles has declared that Red Flag No Parking Restrictions to be in effect starting 8:00 AM on 4/30/2014 and will remain in effect until further notice. For additional information please visit our website at: OR call 3-1-1. Thank you for your cooperation. Note: The Call Centers operating hours are from 08:00 AM to 4:45 PM daily including weekends and holidays.

18. Los Angeles Housing Department

This is a great web site for renters, landlords, etc. A section also exists for mobile home parks and code enforcement. This is also the site where you can get the latest info on affordable housing. Lots of info on this site.

19. CERT – Community Emergency Response Team

CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference. To sign up for local CERT training email

22. City Controller, Ron Galperin

23. City Planning Department

Links to the General Plan, Plans and Ordinances in progress, Zoning information, Meetings, Hearings & Workshops, Environmental, Historic Preservation, Housing Initiatives, Case Information, Processes, Statistical Information, Forms / Procedures, List of Publications, Comments.

24. ZIMAS (Zone Information Map Access System)

ZIMAS provides the City of Los Angeles with the foundation to present an Internet-based Geographic Information System (GIS) with the purpose of empowering its users with the ability to instantly retrieve property information within the framework of a user-friendly and inherently self-intuitive interface. You can find your area of interest through searching for an address, Assessor Parcel Number (APN), or legal description.

25. Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (VANC)

The Valley Alliance meets the second Thursday of each month at Sherman Oaks Hospital, 6:30 p.m. The VANC also holds special events. Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Mission Statement: The Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils was formed in 2003 with the goal of making neighborhood councils more effective, encouraging involvement of all stakeholders in the process, and to advocate on issues that affect the City and the neighborhood councils.
Phone: (818) 990-4002

26. Los Anqeles Neiqhborhood Council Congress

PURPOSE OF NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS: “To promote more citizen participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs” ~ Los Angeles City Charter, Article IX. This website includes information on the annual Congress of Neighborhoods held at City Hall on September 26, 2015. Neighborhood Council leaders from throughout the city have partnered with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (EmpowerLA) in bringing the 2015 LA Congress of Neighborhoods to City Hall.

27. 912 Commission – Neighborhood Council Review Commission

Mission Statement: The Neighborhood Council Review Commission is appointed pursuant to Section 912 of the City Charter and shall meet for twelve consecutive months to evaluate the provisions of Article IX of the City Charter, the Regulations adopted pursuant to Article IX of the Charter, and the efficacy of the system of Neighborhood Councils. STNC Stakeholder Cindy Cleghorn serves on this City Commission as the North Valley Planning Area representative, appointed by the Mayor.

28. 311 – “One Call to City Hall”

Dial 311 from any phone for information and connection to City departments, or to report needed repairs (including graffiti removal) and register complaints.

29. City Attorney Mike Feuer

The Neighborhood Prosecutor Program was created to advance the City Attorney’s goal of making Los Angeles a safer City through crime prevention and the effective prosecution of criminals. The program is driven by the understanding that the ability to respond to neighborhood complaints and address criminal problems proactively is critical to preserving the quality of life in our neighborhoods. For more info visit: There is a link at the bottom of the page to locate the Neighborhood Prosecutor in our area.

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