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Backyard Beekeeping Draft Ordinance Update

Backyard Beekeeping Draft Ordinance Update

All interested persons are invited to attend a public hearing for a proposed City of Los Angeles Zoning Code amendment to allow backyard beekeeping in single-family residential zones. At the hearing, you may listen, speak, or submit written information related to the proposed ordinance. This is the first in a series of public hearings regarding this proposed ordinance as it moves on to the City Planning Commission, Planning and Land Use Management committee of the City Council, and City Council.

Beekeeping in L.A. – Save the Date

Beekeeping in L.A. – Save the Date

Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 10 a.m. Beekeeping Ordinance – Katie Peterson, City Planning Department will share the research she’s done regarding legalizing beekeeping on single family lots in the City of Los Angeles. Hollenbeck Police Station – Community Room 2111 E. 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90033 Map link: Street parking available. Entrance at the front of the police station

Master Planed Development Ordinance Update

Master Planed Development Ordinance Update

At last Saturday’s PlanCheckNC meeting Phyllis Nathanson from the LA City Planning Department, Code Studies, presented an informative update for Neighborhood Council land use committees.   Here is a link to the power point and the Revised Proposed MPD Ordinance.  We recommend you agendize these items at your next Land Use Committee meeting and review and comment.  The City Planning Commission will be discussing this new ordinance at their first meeting in January 2015. Revised Proposed MPD_Ordinance_FINAL MasterPlannedDevelopmentZone_PlanCheckNC