December 10, 2022 PlanCheckNC Meeting Links
Google Drive Folder with Meeting Recordings
Google Drive Folder with Meeting Recordings
Los Angeles City Planning is pleased to announce the Processes and Procedures Ordinance was adopted by the City Council at its regular meeting on December 7, 2022. As the Ordinance includes a 6-month operative date delay, the new processes and procedures are anticipated to be implemented by Summer of 2023. City Planning will continue to provide updates in the coming months as the operative date approaches. The Processes and Procedures Ordinance is part of a larger initiative to comprehensively update…
Land Use 11.01.22 California’s Second District Court of Appeal recently issued an important decision clarifying that the Ralph M. Brown Act applies to CEQA decisions, including CEQA exemption determinations, discussed or voted upon during the regular meetings of the legislative bodies of local agencies, meaning that such items of business must be listed on those meeting agendas at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. (G.I. Industries v. City of Thousand Oaks, 2d Civ. No. B317201, October 26, 2022.) In…
Dear Al Fresco Participants and Interested Stakeholders, In May 2020, the City introduced LA Al Fresco to allow for expanded outdoor dining activities for qualifying food establishments. Through the Mayor’s local emergency powers, this temporary program offered a pathway to create outdoor dining areas in the public right-of-way and on private property without requiring most of the current regulations in the Zoning Code. This served as a lifeline for those restaurants adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic due to the…
Last month’s TCN Project presentation was a hot topic, and so just wanted to flag that the LA Metro Board will be considering approval of the TCN project this week on Thursday, 12/1. The agenda is available here, and TCN is Item 13, and will be considered on consent. Please share with any interested parties who would like to participate. I am also attaching a PDF of the proposed sites, which is available as part of the item report. Thank you…
The proposed Wildlife Ordinance (case numbers CPC-2022-3413-CA, CPC-2022-3712-ZC, and ENV-2022-3414-CE) was scheduled to be heard by the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (CPC) today, Thursday, November 17, 2022. However, at the start of today’s meeting, the CPC decided to continue the item to be heard at the regularly scheduled meeting on December 8, 2022. The agenda for this meeting will be made available ten days before the hearing, on Tuesday, November 29, and will be posted at Due to…
Links to some of the items discussed during the Nov 12 PlanCheckNC meeting are below (be sure to look through all of them): PlanCheckNC Meeting — Zoom Recording:
Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around LA, with better transit across the North Valley. The North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project will improve east-west transit service with better access to jobs, education and essential services. This new approach, called the BRT Network Improvements, is the result of extensive outreach and Metro Board direction following prior studies and completion of an Alternatives Analysis for a single-line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in 2019. Some of the…
Dear Stakeholder, Los Angeles City Planning is pleased to announce the Processes and Procedures Ordinance prepared by the City Attorney has been submitted to the City Council for final consideration. The Ordinance may be accessed through the Council File Management System – Council File 12-0460-S4. The Processes and Procedures Ordinance is part of a larger initiative to comprehensively update the City’s Zoning Code. This Ordinance focuses on creating a clear set of administrative procedures that will be used to consider and…
In response to City Council motion CF 17-0957, Los Angeles City Planning is preparing an ordinance to create operating standards for existing businesses selling alcohol without a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) citywide. These businesses do not have a CUP because they began operating and selling alcohol before the City began requiring a CUP to sell alcohol in the 1970s and 1980s. The intent of this ordinance is to adopt minimum operating standards for these businesses and limit potential public safety…