PlanCheckNCLA Meeting 7-8-23
Thank you to City Planning for two great presentations at the July 8, 2023 meeting. Below is the link to the Zoom meeting and chat.
Thank you to City Planning for two great presentations at the July 8, 2023 meeting. Below is the link to the Zoom meeting and chat.
Dear Stakeholders, Last week, Los Angeles City Council (City Council) adopted the final amendment to the Site Plan Review Ordinance for Affordable Housing. Today, Mayor Bass has officially signed the ordinance, and we are excited to inform you that the ordinance will take effect precisely 30 days from today’s date. The ordinance exempts deed restricted affordable housing units from Site Plan Review threshold calculations, as well as certain mixed-use developments that dedicate 50 percent or more of the total project Floor…
Commissioners Shaffer and Wehbe would like to welcome you to the upcoming meetings of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Ad Hoc Code of Conduct Committee. Attached to this email is the latest version of the proposed Neighborhood Council Code of Conduct that will be open to public comment at the Ad Hoc Committee’s meetings and the agenda for the first meeting on Saturday, May 20 at 1:30pm. We hope to see many of you there.Respectfully, Erick Munoz Commission Executive Assistant…
We are pleased to share that the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee, at its special meeting on April 24, 2023, voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of the Downtown Community Plan and the new Zoning Code with a few amendments. Thanks to your committed engagement, the Plan is now another step closer to adoption! The Downtown Community Plan and new Zoning Code will now go before the full City Council for final adoption at the City Council’s meeting…
Save the Date for the PLUM Committee Meeting We are excited to share that the Downtown Community Plan Update (Plan) and the new Zoning Code is expected to be considered by the PLUM committee at a Special Meeting scheduled for April 24, 2023 at 1 p.m. The PLUM Committee meeting agenda will be posted 24 hours prior to the meeting, in compliance with the Brown Act. Members of the public who wish to offer public comment to the PLUM Committee at this…
The Budget Advocates are asking Neighborhood Council members and stakeholders to provide input on their issues with the City Budget and City services. The responses will be collated into a report that will be delivered directly to members of the City Council’s Budget, Finance and Innovation Committee and will be attached to Council File 23-0600, the council file for the 2023-2024 budget after it is created. Please take the time to provide your input by April 30. About Us: The…
Revised Draft Ordinance Release Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the initial draft of the Al Fresco Ordinance. Your engagement is critical to this process, and we appreciate all the thoughts and comments we received. Today, City Planning is releasing a revised draft of the proposed Al Fresco Ordinance for outdoor dining on private property along with an updated Fact Sheet with Frequently Asked Questions. The revised Al Fresco Ordinance, dated April 2023, reflects feedback received during the public hearing and comment…
April 6, 2023 If you’re currently going through the application process and require assistance, here’s your chance to learn everything you need to know and more. Join DCR on Friday, April 14, 2023 at 3:00 PM for Licensing 101. DCR will review all the steps to get a license, from Pre-Application Review to Annual Licensing, and help decode the alphabet of acronyms known as BTRC, LBER and PCN. This webinar will be broken up into segments so that individuals can participate in…
Para español siga hacia abajo. Dear Stakeholder, Following State certification of the 2021-2029 Housing Element last year, LA City Planning has been working to develop and implement the ambitious programs identified in the Plan to House LA. A few weeks ago we announced the launch of a new Housing Element Rezoning work program with a series of interactive webinars scheduled for next week. Today we are announcing the new online home for this work, the Housing Element Rezoning website. The website is the information hub…