Al Fresco extended through 2025
Outdoor dining was about to expire in L.A. this month. Why it just got a last-minute reprieve
Outdoor dining was about to expire in L.A. this month. Why it just got a last-minute reprieve
Quick recap The meeting focused on updates from the city planning department, including the adoption of new ordinances and the launch of the Good Neighbor Program. Concerns were raised about the lack of planning and foresight in the approval of Executive Directive One (ED1) projects, the implementation of community plans, and the effectiveness of the landscape and site design plan. The group also discussed various issues such as street vending, the delay in the Street Transit Amenities Program, and the…
The City Council will be voting on Draft #3 of CHIP/Housing Element on Tuesday, December 10 @ 10:00 a.m. in City Hall. This is the moment we have all been working toward. If this is passed by the City Council the Ordinance will then head to the State for certification. We hope many of you can join us downtown on Tuesday. Although council members rarely listen to public comment, we feel it is important to have a presence there. They do take…
AND 2nd Revised dated June 12, 2023
March 13, 2024 update More info at the City Planning website: program#about The following from United Neighbors — Maria Pavlou Kalban Hi All, The Housing Element maps have been released. They are not easy to follow but I include the link so you can see what they suggest for your community. Jeff has looked at them quickly and randomly and they seem to be staying out of R1 zones. Put do take a look at your community and we are…
Para español siga hacia abajo.Dear Interested Parties,The Los Angeles City Council has directed Los Angeles City Planning to prepare an ordinance to amend the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to allow the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) to implement a Transportation Communication Network (TCN) (CF 22-0392). Metro is proposing to erect digital display signs on up to 49 Metro-owned parcels throughout the City that are adjacent to certain freeways and major streets as part of its TCN program….
Los Angeles City Planning is pleased to announce the Processes and Procedures Ordinance was adopted by the City Council at its regular meeting on December 7, 2022. As the Ordinance includes a 6-month operative date delay, the new processes and procedures are anticipated to be implemented by Summer of 2023. City Planning will continue to provide updates in the coming months as the operative date approaches. The Processes and Procedures Ordinance is part of a larger initiative to comprehensively update…
City Planning’s public hearing on the proposed Oil and Gas Drilling Ban Ordinance will be held tonight at 6 PM. Here is the public hearing notice for your convenience: