Department of Cultural Affairs
Coronavirus Memorial Art Commissions Our city and our country continue to grapple with the devastating effects of the Coronavirus. The loss of family, friends, and colleagues is immeasurable, and the collective grief is profound. Through the Arts Activation Program, the Department of Cultural Affairs will offer a means for communities to embrace our loved ones’ memories and collectively mark this moment through art. The Department of Cultural Affairs seeks to commission 200 artworks by no less than 200 lead artists who will receive seed funding of $600 each. The artists will get permission from family or friends to research the life of a person who has died from COVID-19.
The artist will create a memorial, which may be songs, poems, paintings, mixed-media collages, or any other type of artwork that can be revealed within a video or series of still images posted online for the general public. Because COVID has affected some communities more deeply than others, DCA intends to fund artists and proposed projects representing a geographic nexus, cultural connection, or the human bond between the lead artist and the deceased.
AMOUNT $600 ($700 if involving collaborating artists) GRANTING ORGANIZATION Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs DEADLINEMay 31, 2021 – 12:00 amSTATUS Open. Selections of mini-grant recipients are made on a monthly basis until all funds are expended or May 31, 2021, whichever comes first. CONTACT Rafa Vaca, DCA Grant Associate
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