City Planning Updates – January Q&A Follow-Up

City Planning Updates – January Q&A Follow-Up

Note from our City Planning liaisons who mistakenly missed PlanCheckNC this past Saturday due to a scheduling mix-up. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused yourself and any of the meeting’s participants. Please find a few updates below that you can share with the group as you see fit. If anyone has any questions regarding these updates or anything related, please have them email us at

  1. Question: Does the fee increase take into account enforcement?  
    • Response: No, the fee adjustment does not take into account time spent by DBS or HCIDLA. DBS and HCIDLA have their own fees.
  2. Question: Can the appeals fee be kept as a low number?
  3. Question: Who is handling monitoring of replacement of RSO units?
    • Response: HCIDLA handles compliance and monitoring.
    • A report back was provided to PLUM on January 21st:

Equity Day Follow-Up

  • On January 21, the City Planning Commission (CPC) hosted a listening session to hear about community members’ experiences with planning and development in their neighborhoods. This event was coordinated by CPC’s newly formed Equity Subcommittee.
  • During the course of the day, the CPC aimed to understand how structural racism has been built into the City’s existing policies, amplify the voices of underrepresented peoples most impacted by racist policies, and guide future decision-making on planning-related projects and policies.
  • A one-pager describing why CPC held the event can be found here.
  • In preparation for Equity Day, the CPC and Department developed an online survey to obtain additional feedback in six of the most widely spoken languages (English, Armenian, Chinese, Tagalog, Korean, and Spanish) across Los Angeles.
  • Recordings from the event are here and presentations that were shared are here.
  • More than 300 people attended the event.
  • Since CPC, Staff is working on a report analyzing the results of this survey and will be on an agenda for CPC for a follow up with these results.

Hollywood Community Plan
The draft plan will be considered by the City Planning Commission (CPC) on February 18, 2021. The public hearing will start at 8:30 a.m. Click here to access the Staff Recommendation Report, which outlines the recommended changes to the existing land use designations and zoning. For more information on the Hollywood Community Plan, visit City Planning’s website.

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