PlanCheckNC Land Use Committee Education
All Neighborhood Councils can and should receive Early Notification of prospective development projects that require some level of review and approval by the City. This Early Notification can come to the respective Neighborhood Council in any of the following ways:
1. A prospective developer, property owner(s), tenant(s) or representative(s) requests to meet with your land use committee because they have been recommended to do so in advance of filing their application by a City Planning staff person, Councilmember or Councilmember’s staff, word of mouth – direct referral.
2. Master Land Use Application filed at City Planning is mailed direct to the Neighborhood Council.
3. Bi-Weekly Case Filing list that is sent to all Neighborhood Councils currently on the DONE/EmpowerLA email roster.
The PlanCheckNCLA Steering Committee offers a “Planning 101” class for Land Use Committees. This presentation has been given at the Neighborhood Council Congress, PlanCheckNC meetings and several Land Use Committees. Please send an email request to if you would like to schedule a class. Please allow 4-6 weeks to schedule. All classes are open to committees and stakeholders.
PlanCheckNC Education Program Topics — Keep the 2nd Saturday of Each Month on Your Calendar
If you are on a Land Use Committee with a Neighborhood Council or Community Council in the City of Los Angeles, we invite you to participate at PlanCheckNC meetings held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. – 12 noon. This is the only grassroots organization in the City that consistently meets to bring Education and the Latest updates to benefit you in your community’s land use and planning issues. Below is a list of past topics and speakers. Check back here often. You can sign up to receive updates only when this site is updated and also the monthly meeting notice. If you are not on the EmpowerLA email list, you must sign up here.
November 8, 2014
Update: Master Plan Development (MPD) Ordinance
Join us for the latest update on the MPD Ordinance. The meeting will also include updates on Citywide issues.
Dick Platkin – Mansionization Interim Control Ordinances
October 11, 2014 at 10 a.m.
A Conversation with the City Attorney
Join us to discuss common issues that come up regarding Land Use & Planning with Deputy City Attorney Adrienne Khorasanee who will be present on behalf of City Attorney Mike Feuer. The meeting will also include updates on Citywide issues.
September 20, 2014
NC Congress at City Hall
August 9, 2014
Small Lot Design Guidelines with
Simon Patsucha, Urban Design Studio
and Community Land Use Committee updates
— including Small Lot Subdivisions, Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles, a new Health & Wellness Element of the General Plan, Equity = Opportunity Day with the CPC, Above Ground Facilities (AGF) Ordinance and other upcoming education opportunities.
July 23, 2014
Tonight is the reCodeLA meeting 6-8 p.m.
Discussion on the City’s Entitlement Process from the Community’s Point of View. John Walker and Lisa Sarkin from Studio City will present. I encourage your attendance and participation. Info:
July 12, 2014
NEW: Clean Up Green Up Pilot Policy
presented by Hagu Solomon-Cary, LA City Planning Department
Latest Updates on the City’s Sign Regulations and Protection from Sign Intrusions
Will the new LA Sign Ordinance being considered by the City Council result in a digital sign in YOUR backyard?
What can you do ? What can your neighborhood council do ?
Come to PLANCHECK to hear a very timely update from DENNIS HATHAWAY, President of the Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight:
After years of consideration before the City Planning Commission and PLUM, the Planning and Land Use Management Committee (PLUM) will put its final touches on the Sign Ordinance and will soon pass it on to the full Council.
Find out about the issues to be debated in the coming weeks and bring back information to your Neighborhood Council so that you can adopt a stand and lobby for the best possible sign ordinance for your community. Some of the key issues are addressed in a recent posting on the Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight’s website:
June 14, 2014
reCodeLA Updates with Sharon Commins, Zoning Advisory Committee Member
What is a Master Plan Development Zone and City Planning Updates with Craig Weber, Senior Planner, Dept. of City Planning
Due to NC Elections – April & May 2014 PlanCheck meetings were cancelled
March 8, 2014
Dave Lara, Chief Code Enforcement – LA Dept. of Building & Safety
Dick Platkin, AICP – Update on Mansionization & SB1818
Early Notice: reCode LA draft is online. The public draft is posted at . You can use the markup to comment and also use the map-it feature.
February 8, 2014
City Planning Updates
Alan Bell, Deputy Director of Planning
Claire Bowin, Senior City Planner: Mobility and Health
Tom Rothmann, Senior City Planner: Re:CodeLA
Land Use Committee Outreach
A Panel of Neighborhood Council Land Use Committee members will share what their communities are doing to weigh in on Land Use & Planning issues in their community.
January 11, 2014
Topic: Design Guidelines
and the value they can bring to your community
with Simon Pastucha
Urban Design Studio
Los Angeles Department of City Planning
Lisa Webber, AICP
Deputy Director of Planning
City of Los Angeles
2013 PlanCheckNC Education Program Topics [tentative – check back for updates]
Dec 8th, 2012 – no meeting
Jan 12th – NBC Universal Evolution Plan w/Studio City
Feb 9th – Planning Deputies Roundtable – Gerald Gubatan CD7, Karo Torossian CD2, Tanner Blackman CD14
March 9th – CEQA
April 13 – Housing & the City Attorney
May 11th – Conditional Use Permits (CUPs) for Alcohol with ABC and LAPD
June 8th – SB1818 /Affordable Housing in L.A.
Future – Mayoral Candidates Forum – after March 5th election
Planning Basics – 3 hour class on what to do with those packets you receive from City Planning. This class is currently being organized in coordination with City Planning and PlanCheck volunteers. Email your ideas and interest to:
PlanCheck Matrix available only at PlanCheck meetings -please communicate updates in time for monthly meeting handout
Sharon Commins presentation 2-12-12 on Good Governance
Sharon Commins – Watching the Watchers Links:
• California Strategic Growth Council [SB 732, created 2008]:
• Compass Blueprint [SCAG]:
• Los Angeles TOD Typology Study:
• Fixing Angelenos Stuck in Traffic:
• Center for Transit Oriented Development:
• Westside Mobility Plan:
• Vision Los Angeles:
• The Transit Coalition:
• Rand Publication: Moving Los Angeles:
• California High Speed Rail Blog:
• Streetsblog Network:
• New Geography:
• Low Density Sprawl ‘Repair’: