Green Building Standards Code

Green Building Standards Code

CalRecycle Local Jurisdiction Interested Parties

On January 12th, 2010, the State Building Standards Commission (BSC) unanimously adopted updates to the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) which will go into effect on January 1, 2011. CALGreen is a comprehensive and uniform regulatory code for all residential, commercial and K-14 school buildings.

The California Green Building Standards Code will require:
 – A minimum 50 percent diversion of construction and demolition waste from landfills, increasing voluntarily to 65-75 percent for new homes and 80 percent for commercial projects;
> – Use of building materials with a recycled content value for 10-15% of the total project cost;
> – 20 percent mandatory reduction in indoor water use;
> – Separate water meters for nonresidential buildings? indoor and outdoor water use, with a requirement for moisture-sensing irrigation systems for larger landscape projects;
> – Low-pollutant emitting interior finish materials such as paints, carpet, vinyl flooring and particle board;
> – Mandatory inspections of energy systems (i.e. heat furnace, air conditioner, mechanical equipment) for nonresidential buildings over 10,000 square feet to ensure that all are working at their maximum capacity according to their design efficiencies.
> The California Green Building Standards Code does not prevent a local jurisdiction from adopting a more stringent code as state law provides methods for local enhancements. The code recognizes that many jurisdictions have developed existing C&D ordinances, and defers to them as the ruling guidance provided they provide a minimum 50% diversion requirement. The code also provides exemptions for areas not served by C&D recycling infrastructure. State building code provides the minimum standard which buildings need to meet in order to be certified for occupancy. Enforcement is generally through the local building official.
> For more information on specifics of the code and applicability to different building types see:
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