United Neighbors for LA Wildfire help
Hi Everyone,
We are all more than a bit stunned at what has happened to many of our neighbors and to the city as a whole over the last few days. We have been trying to figure out ways we can help our neighbors during these unprecedented times. There are so many resources out there offering help to anyone in need.
We felt providing links to these sites might be helpful. We are also offering “tech support” for anyone that doesn’t know how to navigate these sites.
1.) Here is a list of organizations across the city that are offering help or need donations. This is a live link so it will be updated to reflect current needs and any new participating organization.
2.) If you have any type of lodging available, Airbnb has a site you can register to host on, you can also provide monetary donations, or if you or someone you know needs housing, they can apply here as well:
3.) We are also currently in contact with the Fire Department. Many stations need meals, some do not and some want snacks that can be packed away for use when on location. We have a friend and colleague Julie that has started contacting stations and has a spreadsheet with stations and their needs. If you are interested in adopting your fire station let us know. We will contact Julie who will find out what that station needs and will coordinate your offer, whether it is paying for a meal or preparing it, with the station. Julie is trying to make sure one station doesn’t become overwhelmed with food deliveries they don’t need. She is amazingly organized in her outreach. Thank you, Julie!
4.) Finally, should you or someone you know need help navigating these sites online, we have a group of people standing by to help you. Just send us your contact info and we will reach out to you.
We hope this is helpful. Let’s do what we can.
As always, onward to better days and we hope all of you are safe.
Maria, Cindy, Jeff, Marc